Harmonic Touch Therapy
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Introductory Classes

Vibrational Tuning Fork Technique (VTF)
Learn the history of sound healing, particularly as it applies to the octaves of Om. Overview of tuning forks, materials, frequencies, and their application to acupuncture points with essential oils.

Color Light Technique (CLT)
Trace the history of Color and Light in healing from Egypt to Medieval Church windows to 20th application of biophotons. Overview of equipment, qualities of colors, and intervallic relationships as color is applied to acupuncture points.

Vibrational Tuning Fork Technique (VTF)
Learn the history of sound healing, particularly as it applies to the octaves of Om. Overview of tuning forks, materials, frequencies, and their application to acupuncture points with essential oils.

Vibrational Auricular Technique (VAT)
Explore the exciting world of tuning forks and Color Light on the reflex system of the Ear! Combine with essential oils for optimal balance.

Chakra Aura Technique (CAT)
Application of multiple octaves of turning forks, Color Light, and crystal gemstones to the energy centers of the body.

Crystal & Gemstone Technique (CGT)
Learn the crystal structures and their qualities, and how to select crystals for balance and support.