Michelle Weil, DPT, SASI, CITC, ASI, CITI, LSH

Michelle Weil
8303 Cobalt Ct
North Charleston, SC 29418
+1 843.810.8714
Dr. Michelle Weil is a military wife, mother of 5, and a doctor of Physical Therapy, with a background in pediatrics. Her passion is sharing ancient truths and natural options for health and wellness with families all over the world. She is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Advanced Certified Raindrop Harmonics Specialist and Supervising AromaSounds Instructor, as well as a Certified Integrated Therapies Coach and Instructor for the Academy of Integrated Therapies. She and her family have been on an amazing journey for over a decade since they found the way of keeping their family even healthier while overcoming chronic conditions.
She brings the power of faith, belief, and intent into every session and class as she teaches the truths about the reflex systems within our body, helping to "reset" in the physical and emotional body, with oils, lights, color, sound, gemstones, and intention. While speaking at churches, in friends' homes, and in day-to-day conversations, Michelle loves to help other take control of their health and grasp hold of God's wellness, purpose, and abundance in their daily lives.